In Good Hands
Dear NEDS,
Christopher, Richard and I want to thank you for a truly wonderful experience this past week! The weather was perfect ... as was everything else. Although I wasn't there to see all the fun, Rich told me how much he and Christopher had enjoyed the entire time with the NE Disabled Sports group. Rich was very impressed with all the arrangements and how everything was taken care of so that he and Christopher could relax and not worry but just have a really great time. He was completely comfortable with leaving his son in the care of the instructors and said he was very impressed with how kind and professional they were. Knowing Christopher was in good hands and would be safe and well cared for made it possible for Rich to take advantage of the opportunity to enjoy the slopes, too.
This experience was such a positive introduction to the sport of skiing for Christopher. Rich wants to pursue further instruction for him and hopes they will be able to enjoy skiing together in the future. Thank you and all of the wonderful volunteers for making this possible.
New England Disabled Sports
Sherrill, a Parent of a NEDS Student-Athlete
